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Enlistment Office

Volunteer Infantry

79th New York

What We Do

In the 79th New York Volunteer Infantry, we manage a few subsidiary groups in which anyone can join. The 79thNY Enlistment Office is a group managed by our Head Enlistment Officer 1stSgt Luke.


The role of the Head Enlistment Officer (HEO) is to oversee and streamline the recruitment process for everyone involved. Under the HEO, there are Enlistment Officers (EO) that work as the "ground team" for the Office. They do the majority of recruiting for our companies.


Our mission is to bring in as many dedicated people into the companies as possible while maintaining a high standard of professionalism and respect for new members and other communities in War of Rights.

Become an Enlistment Officer

In order to become an Enlistment Officer, you must be an active recruiter, trustworthy, and reliable. All of these qualities are acquired over time through hard work, dedication, and loyalty. EO has its benefits as well; these include the following:



- Moderator in Teamspeak and 79thNY Steam group

     - Teamspeak Moderator: Assign and remove server groups from members, client-move perms, etc

   - Steam Moderator: Invite and accept people into the Steam group


- First choice for any new detachment once created


*PLEASE NOTE*: You must continue to recruit after being appointed to EO. HEO can revoke permissions as he/she deems fit



Office Staff

Head Enlistment Officer


1st Sergeant Luke

(Co. A)

Enlistment Officers


Sergeant Scrubinz

(Co. A)


Corporal Sean



Corporal Codetigers



Guard Benjamelo


Important Links


Teamspeak 3 Download


Recruitment Handbook


Drill manual

Recruit Enlistment Papers

  • TeamSpeak-icon
  • steam-logo-transparent

Official website of the 79th New York Volunteer Infantry

Companies A & B

Unique visitors

Site Dev:

Luke Conte

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